Asaad Husein Aljasim
Our records shows that Asaad Husein Aljasim is related with these businesses from Norway:
- Sanabl Asaad Husein Aljasim
- Company no: 919 119 691
- Region: 0219 BÆRUM
- 2Sjø As
- Company no: 924 016 124
- Region: 0219 BÆRUM
- 24Transport Norge As
- Company no: 927 765 888
- Region: 3024 BÆRUM
- Bærum Bakeri As
- Company no: 935 108 438
- Region: 3201 BÆRUM
- Bærum Kjøtt As
- Company no: 935 112 028
- Region: 3201 BÆRUM
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