Geir Morten Folkestad
Our records shows that Geir Morten Folkestad is related with these businesses from Norway:
- Folkestad Invest As
- Company no: 995 326 655
- Region: BERGEN
- Ccs Invest As
- Company no: 989 107 887
- Region: BERGEN
- Bergen Rådgivning As
- Company no: 988 176 869
- Region: BERGEN
- Åsane Rådgivning As
- Company no: 986 944 869
- Region: BERGEN
- Caveo Bergen As
- Company no: 985 864 306
- Region: BERGEN
- The Ship As
- Company no: 925 244 295
- Region: 4601 BERGEN
- Folkekraft As
- Company no: 830 068 112
- Region: 4601 BERGEN
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