Geir Wilhelm Wold
Our records shows that Geir Wilhelm Wold is related with these businesses from Norway:
- Vesteraalens Kystfiskerederi As
- Company no: 998 190 746
- Region: ANDØY
- Uniq Marine Biotec As
- Company no: 988 502 030
- Region: SORTLAND
- Vesterålens As
- Company no: 987 499 427
- Region: SORTLAND
- Andenes Fiskemottak As
- Company no: 987 004 169
- Region: SORTLAND
- Vesterålens Consult As
- Company no: 985 509 581
- Region: SORTLAND
- Vesteraalens Service As
- Company no: 999 226 493
- Region: 1870 SORTLAND
- Sigerfjord Marine Innovasjonssenter As
- Company no: 932 259 044
- Region: 1870 SORTLAND
- Sigerfjord Settefisk As
- Company no: 935 081 750
- Region: 1870 SORTLAND
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