Kåre Jarle Devik
Our records shows that Kåre Jarle Devik is related with these businesses from Norway:
- Skorstad Settefisk As
- Company no: 993 470 635
- Region: NAMSOS
- Aglen Settefisk As
- Company no: 993 289 957
- Region: NAMSOS
- Statland Settefisk As
- Company no: 990 695 245
- Namdal Settefisk As
- Company no: 987 245 069
- Region: NAMSOS
- Uniplastex-Norge Da
- Company no: 983 770 665
- Region: NAMSOS
- Namdal Torsk As
- Company no: 816 808 812
- Region: 1703 NAMSOS
- Namdal Seafood As
- Company no: 919 006 315
- Region: 1703 NAMSOS
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