Kjetil Bakken
Our records shows that Kjetil Bakken is related with these businesses from Norway:
- Kjetil Bakkens Vedlikehold
- Company no: 983 335 381
- Region: ÅS
- Kjba As
- Company no: 911 706 814
- Region: 0228 RÆLINGEN
- Kjetil Bakken Transport
- Company no: 915 349 595
- Region: 0236 NES
- Bakken Engineering As
- Company no: 920 774 733
- Region: 0806 SKIEN
- Bakken Hus Og Hage
- Company no: 925 411 329
- Region: 3005 DRAMMEN
- Nitor Novum As
- Company no: 928 979 652
- Region: 3029 LØRENSKOG
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