Ole Hallvard Haugen
Our records shows that Ole Hallvard Haugen is related with these businesses from Norway:
- Haugen Finans As
- Company no: 989 230 840
- Region: DRAMMEN
- Wear Protection Conveying Nordic As
- Company no: 917 186 154
- Region: 0602 DRAMMEN
- Limbe Consulting As
- Company no: 917 571 104
- Region: 0602 DRAMMEN
- Conveying Solutions As
- Company no: 918 953 914
- Region: 0602 DRAMMEN
- Agushi Eiendom As
- Company no: 919 202 599
- Region: 0602 DRAMMEN
- Gjellebekkstubben 4 Holding As
- Company no: 922 713 111
- Region: 0602 DRAMMEN
- Laure Energi As
- Company no: 922 713 073
- Region: 0602 DRAMMEN
- Santos Property As
- Company no: 928 851 389
- Region: 3005 DRAMMEN
- Hh Santos Property As
- Company no: 929 606 450
- Region: 3005 DRAMMEN
- Tjensvoll Invest As
- Company no: 931 848 739
- Region: 1103 STAVANGER
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