Ove Bersås
Our records shows that Ove Bersås is related with these businesses from Norway:
- Brekken Bygg As
- Company no: 994 351 737
- Region: NESSET
- Brekken Holding As
- Company no: 994 351 710
- Region: NESSET
- Brekken Trelast As
- Company no: 994 351 745
- Region: NESSET
- Brækken Eiendom As
- Company no: 994 351 729
- Region: NESSET
- Ove Bersås
- Company no: 970 454 578
- Region: NESSET
- Hov Prosjekt As
- Company no: 921 298 331
- Region: 1543 NESSET
- Oktagon Invest As
- Company no: 930 769 436
- Region: 1506 MOLDE
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