Ove Bjørknes
Our records shows that Ove Bjørknes is related with these businesses from Norway:
- O. Bjørknes Holding As
- Company no: 926 324 373
- Region: 5403 ALTA
- Nordic Quality Partners
- Company no: 929 230 965
- Region: 3024 BÆRUM
- Fso As
- Company no: 930 562 505
- Region: 5403 ALTA
- Bg Prosjekt As
- Company no: 930 846 228
- Region: 3024 BÆRUM
- Arnesen Frøhaug Betongentreprenør As
- Company no: 935 130 778
- Region: 3201 BÆRUM
- Løxa Utleie As
- Company no: 935 140 188
- Region: 3201 BÆRUM
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