Per-Kåre Navekvien
Our records shows that Per-Kåre Navekvien is related with these businesses from Norway:
- Mermaid Drift As
- Company no: 997 726 995
- Region: VÅGSØY
- West Service As
- Company no: 993 591 718
- Region: VÅGSØY
- Mermaid As
- Company no: 984 559 674
- Region: VÅGSØY
- Mermaid Drift As
- Company no: 999 250 114
- Region: 1439 VÅGSØY
- Mermaid Holding As
- Company no: 913 411 099
- Region: 1439 VÅGSØY
- Mermaid As
- Company no: 913 496 027
- Region: 1439 VÅGSØY
- Nordfjord Dykkerservice As
- Company no: 927 348 047
- Region: 4649 STAD
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