Svein Øystein Berntsen
Our records shows that Svein Øystein Berntsen is related with these businesses from Norway:
- Sveb Eiendom As
- Company no: 994 791 184
- Region: ASKØY
- Sveb Invest Ks
- Company no: 988 399 566
- Region: BÆRUM
- Enitel Drift As
- Company no: 983 646 506
- Region: BÆRUM
- Convecti Com As
- Company no: 982 118 549
- Region: BERGEN
- Ocs Human Relations As
- Company no: 912 787 397
- Region: 1201 BERGEN
- Sveb Invest As
- Company no: 915 557 724
- Region: 1247 ASKØY
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