Sverre Nilsen
Our records shows that Sverre Nilsen is related with these businesses from Norway:
- Monsternett As
- Company no: 992 857 870
- Region: HALDEN
- N/m Transport Og Maskin Ba
- Company no: 989 584 936
- Region: BINDAL
- Kongsgaarden Instrument As
- Company no: 989 389 246
- Xoip Communications Ans
- Company no: 986 018 174
- Region: HALDEN
- Nilsen Consulting
- Company no: 983 549 454
- Region: HALDEN
- Nilsen Transport
- Company no: 985 393 249
- Region: BINDAL
- Kongsgården Instrument Sverre Nilsen
- Company no: 878 654 862
- Region: BAMBLE
- Sn Holding Alta As
- Company no: 921 970 293
- Region: 2012 ALTA
- Sn Maskin As
- Company no: 929 574 818
- Region: 5403 ALTA
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