2003-03-27, on March 27, on Thursday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2003-03-27 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2003-03-27, on March 27, on Thursday; 2003-03-27 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2003-03-27:
- (NEXT) 2003-03-28, on March 28, on Friday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2003-03-26, on March 26, on Wednesday incorporated Norway companies
- Turid Helene Abelsen
- Company no: 975 713 652
- Region: SORTLAND
- Vesterålen Jern Og Farge As
- Company no: 985 535 981
- Region: SORTLAND
- Bilmekka As
- Company no: 985 534 721
- Region: HARSTAD
- Olaf Henke Friluftsliv & Foto
- Company no: 985 521 786
- Region: MÅLSELV
- Red Fox Norge Da
- Company no: 985 481 016
- Region: SØRREISA
- Marius Eliassen
- Company no: 985 534 454
- Region: TANA