2005-12-15, on December 15, on Thursday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2005-12-15 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2005-12-15, on December 15, on Thursday; 2005-12-15 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2005-12-15:
- (NEXT) 2005-12-16, on December 16, on Friday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2005-12-14, on December 14, on Wednesday incorporated Norway companies
- Window Towards Asia Da
- Company no: 989 059 548
- Region: NARVIK
- Wolden Maskin As
- Company no: 989 077 279
- Region: BODØ
- Baks Holding As
- Company no: 989 023 713
- Region: TROMSØ
- Proton Invest Ltd
- Company no: 988 945 331
- Region: MÅLSELV
- Rubiconsult As
- Company no: 989 008 439
- Region: TROMSØ
- Dlc Administrative Services
- Company no: 988 976 202
- Region: VARDØ
- Mathiesen Consult
- Company no: 988 472 824
- Region: HASVIK
- Origo Kultur As
- Company no: 988 847 909
- Region: ALTA