2006-11-27, on November 27, on Monday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2006-11-27 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2006-11-27, on November 27, on Monday; 2006-11-27 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2006-11-27:
- (NEXT) 2006-11-28, on November 28, on Tuesday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2006-11-25, on November 25, on Saturday incorporated Norway companies
- Borettslaget Håreksgate 57
- Company no: 990 469 210
- Region: NARVIK
- Byens Beste Ans
- Company no: 990 554 110
- Region: VÅGAN
- Conseptnet Ståle Nicolaisen
- Company no: 988 742 104
- Region: RANA
- Esta As
- Company no: 990 533 806
- Region: BODØ
- Tea Service Låstad
- Company no: 990 530 068
- Region: MELØY
- Harstad Byggservice As
- Company no: 990 519 390
- Region: HARSTAD
- Finnmark Auto As
- Company no: 990 541 795
- Region: ALTA
- Sunny As
- Company no: 990 517 444
- Region: VADSØ