2007-08-14, on August 14, on Tuesday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2007-08-14 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2007-08-14, on August 14, on Tuesday; 2007-08-14 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2007-08-14:
- (NEXT) 2007-08-15, on August 15, on Wednesday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2007-08-13, on August 13, on Monday incorporated Norway companies
- Bargi Bygg Finn Roald Løkvold
- Company no: 991 462 201
- Region: KÅFJORD
- Løvlund Ii Borettslag
- Company no: 991 505 601
- Region: TROMSØ
- Visjon Nor As
- Company no: 991 579 990
- Alta Flis As
- Company no: 891 461 372
- Region: ALTA