2009-02-01, on February 01, on Sunday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2009-02-01 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2009-02-01, on February 01, on Sunday; 2009-02-01 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2009-02-01:
- (NEXT) 2009-02-02, on February 02, on Monday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2009-01-31, on January 31, on Saturday incorporated Norway companies
Results: 8
Viewing 1 to 8 companies from Norway
- Kvelde Nærvarme As
- Company no: 993 952 222
- Region: LARVIK
- Bilutleie Notodden Ans
- Company no: 993 570 125
- Region: NOTODDEN
- Mur Bygg Montering As
- Company no: 993 768 774
- Cornershop Da
- Company no: 993 367 117
- Region: VEFSN
- A1-Bygg Da
- Company no: 993 742 430
- Region: RÆLINGEN
- Imperium Frisør As
- Company no: 993 740 977
- Region: OSLO
- Cohib As
- Company no: 993 743 186
- Janc As
- Company no: 993 740 446
Results: 8
Viewing 1 to 8 companies from Norway