2009-12-04, on December 04, on Friday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2009-12-04 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2009-12-04, on December 04, on Friday; 2009-12-04 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2009-12-04:
- (NEXT) 2009-12-05, on December 05, on Saturday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2009-12-03, on December 03, on Thursday incorporated Norway companies
Results: 13
Viewing 1 to 13 companies from Norway
- Network Technology Services Norge As
- Company no: 994 963 422
- Christina Rørvik
- Company no: 994 835 858
- Region: ASKER
- Bdo As
- Company no: 994 855 573
- Region: OSLO
- Jtg Arkitekter As
- Company no: 994 780 824
- Region: OSLO
- Sensair As
- Company no: 994 837 583
- Trafikklogistikk Knut Bøe
- Company no: 994 791 664
- Region: GRAN
- Turbogrossisten.no Henninen
- Company no: 970 491 953
- Region: LIER
- Agnes 2 As
- Company no: 994 853 503
- Region: LARVIK
- Strandgata 23 Restauranthus As
- Company no: 994 810 367
- Region: RISØR
- Makineco May-Liss Siira
- Company no: 994 847 376
- Partrederiet Senior Vedavågen Da
- Company no: 994 847 481
- Region: KARMØY
- Cesar Holding As
- Company no: 994 853 449
- Region: BERGEN
- Getek International As
- Company no: 994 852 868
- Region: MALVIK
Results: 13
Viewing 1 to 13 companies from Norway