2012-12-08, on December 08, on Saturday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2012-12-08 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2012-12-08, on December 08, on Saturday; 2012-12-08 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2012-12-08:
- (NEXT) 2012-12-10, on December 10, on Monday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2012-12-07, on December 07, on Friday incorporated Norway companies
- Andersen Fisk
- Company no: 899 203 542
- Region: 1871 ANDØY
- Bhj Invest As
- Company no: 999 224 849
- Region: 1804 BODØ
- Bodø Taxi Sa
- Company no: 970 919 201
- Region: 1804 BODØ
- Dahl Småskjær
- Company no: 999 241 344
- Region: 1871 ANDØY
- Sporveien As
- Company no: 999 241 891
- Region: 1805 NARVIK
- Steve Jacobsen
- Company no: 999 242 006
- Region: 1851 LØDINGEN
- Heksekunst As
- Company no: 999 242 367
- Region: 1902 TROMSØ
- Wellforma As
- Company no: 999 229 727
- Region: 1925 SØRREISA