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2014-03-19, on March 19, on Wednesday established Norway companies

Here you'll find information about: 2014-03-19 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2014-03-19, on March 19, on Wednesday; 2014-03-19 list of Norway companies.

Norwegian business

Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates

Close dates to 2014-03-19:

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Results: 119
Viewing 101 to 119 companies from Norway
  1. Greencondo As
    • Company no: 913 389 875
    • Region: 1525 STRANDA
  2. Karl M. Amundøy
    • Company no: 913 388 305
    • Region: 1505 KRISTIANSUND
  3. Leiragården As
    • Company no: 813 390 582
    • Region: 1543 NESSET
  4. West Marketing As
    • Company no: 913 390 008
    • Region: 1528 SYKKYLVEN
  5. Kafe Kaos As
    • Company no: 913 391 705
    • Region: 1638 ORKDAL
  6. Kafe Pæra Sarmad Sabah Al-Saffar
    • Company no: 913 391 373
    • Region: 1663 MALVIK
  7. Milano Klæbu Restaurant As
    • Company no: 913 388 801
    • Region: 1662 KLÆBU
  8. Viking Venture Iv As
    • Company no: 913 326 377
    • Region: 1601 TRONDHEIM
  9. Saltøyafarmen As
    • Company no: 913 391 462
    • Region: 1717 FROSTA
  10. Andenes Veterinærkontor As
    • Company no: 913 375 548
    • Region: 1871 ANDØY
  11. Arne Sjule Holding As
    • Company no: 913 387 333
    • Region: 1833 RANA
  12. Fysioterapeut Astrid Rydland Aasen
    • Company no: 913 393 317
    • Region: 1860 VESTVÅGØY
  13. Handverksentret As
    • Company no: 913 389 298
    • Region: 1813 BRØNNØY
  14. Olav Brattland Drift As
    • Company no: 913 388 208
    • Region: 1833 RANA
  15. Olav Brattland Eiendom As
    • Company no: 913 388 143
    • Region: 1833 RANA
  16. Rørservice Nordland As
    • Company no: 913 381 831
    • Region: 1833 RANA
  17. Solhan Invest As
    • Company no: 913 391 446
    • Region: 1836 RØDØY
  18. Daleng Gård Atle Tommy Nergård
    • Company no: 913 391 306
    • Region: 1924 MÅLSELV
  19. Pmp As
    • Company no: 913 390 024
    • Region: 1902 TROMSØ
Pages: « first < prev 1 2
Results: 119
Viewing 101 to 119 companies from Norway