2016-08-15, on August 15, on Monday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2016-08-15 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2016-08-15, on August 15, on Monday; 2016-08-15 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2016-08-15:
- (NEXT) 2016-08-16, on August 16, on Tuesday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2016-08-13, on August 13, on Saturday incorporated Norway companies
- Superhenrikke Henrikke Dybvik
- Company no: 917 508 089
- Region: 1813 BRØNNØY
- Tt Services As
- Company no: 917 569 495
- Region: 1840 SALTDAL
- Eidekollen Utbygging As
- Company no: 817 570 712
- Region: 1902 TROMSØ
- Kvaløyveien 332 As
- Company no: 917 567 573
- Region: 1902 TROMSØ
- Myrslett Auto As
- Company no: 917 568 863
- Region: 1942 NORDREISA
- Pål Stene As
- Company no: 917 564 485
- Region: 1903 HARSTAD
- Vanger Bygg As
- Company no: 917 533 598
- Region: 2003 VADSØ
- Haffmans B.v.
- Company no: 917 536 449
- Region: Nederland