2019-06-18, on June 18, on Tuesday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2019-06-18 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2019-06-18, on June 18, on Tuesday; 2019-06-18 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2019-06-18:
- (NEXT) 2019-06-19, on June 19, on Wednesday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2019-06-17, on June 17, on Monday incorporated Norway companies
- Narvik Rør As
- Company no: 922 918 198
- Region: 1805 NARVIK
- Nye 5 Olsen Holding As
- Company no: 922 919 682
- Region: 1804 BODØ
- Blått Kompetansesenter Nord As
- Company no: 922 914 990
- Region: 1931 LENVIK
- Ren Nord As
- Company no: 922 912 858
- Region: 1941 SKJERVØY
- Fokksnø As
- Company no: 922 911 770
- Region: 2100 SVALBARD
- Belsvik Maskin
- Company no: 998 641 438
- Region: 5011 HEMNE
- Hopmo Båtservice
- Company no: 922 917 442
- Region: 5019 ROAN
- Leksvik Næringsbygg As
- Company no: 922 906 793
- Region: 5054 INDRE FOSEN
- Lill Anita Husby
- Company no: 979 645 783
- Region: 5001 TRONDHEIM
- Skaråa Kraft As
- Company no: 922 913 501
- Region: 5023 MELDAL