2023-01-13, on January 13, on Friday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2023-01-13 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2023-01-13, on January 13, on Friday; 2023-01-13 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2023-01-13:
- (NEXT) 2023-01-14, on January 14, on Saturday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2023-01-12, on January 12, on Thursday incorporated Norway companies
- Isdalen Personell As
- Company no: 930 647 217
- Region: 4601 BERGEN
- Ls Kirkebø Holding As
- Company no: 830 650 792
- Region: 4647 SUNNFJORD
- Luddi Invest As
- Company no: 830 652 442
- Region: 4601 BERGEN
- Sbv Eiendom As
- Company no: 830 646 612
- Region: 4601 BERGEN
- Strand Mekaniske As
- Company no: 930 647 101
- Region: 4627 ASKØY
- Tinta House As
- Company no: 830 652 132
- Region: 4601 BERGEN
- Veronika Vikse Holding As
- Company no: 830 649 522
- Region: 4612 SVEIO
- Voss Brandstore As
- Company no: 930 652 695
- Region: 4621 VOSS
- Fjordgata Records As
- Company no: 930 464 031
- Region: 5001 TRONDHEIM
- Flytsonen As
- Company no: 930 650 986
- Region: 5001 TRONDHEIM
- Fredly Barnehage As
- Company no: 830 649 042
- Region: 5029 SKAUN
- Krog Vekst As
- Company no: 930 652 288
- Region: 5001 TRONDHEIM
- Brugda As
- Company no: 930 651 834
- Region: 5433 HASVIK
- Flamillion Hov
- Company no: 930 647 004
- Region: 5402 HARSTAD
- Kalven As
- Company no: 930 648 221
- Region: 5432 LOPPA
- Mccully Car Care
- Company no: 930 649 481
- Region: 5401 TROMSØ
- Midt Finnmark Dyreklinikk As
- Company no: 930 528 420
- Region: 5436 PORSANGER