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2023-01-21, on January 21, on Saturday established Norway companies

Here you'll find information about: 2023-01-21 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2023-01-21, on January 21, on Saturday; 2023-01-21 list of Norway companies.

Norwegian business

Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates

Close dates to 2023-01-21:

Results: 16
Viewing 1 to 16 companies from Norway
  1. Drømmen Min Holding As
    • Company no: 930 678 465
    • Region: 0301 OSLO
  2. Asak Kulturbarnehage As
    • Company no: 930 688 517
    • Region: 3001 HALDEN
  3. Autoringen 2 As
    • Company no: 930 688 266
    • Region: 3030 LILLESTRØM
  4. Solbakken Naturbarnehage As
    • Company no: 930 688 525
    • Region: 3001 HALDEN
  5. Trolltangen Naturbarnehage As
    • Company no: 930 688 533
    • Region: 3001 HALDEN
  6. Velle Eiendom Ii As
    • Company no: 930 688 800
    • Region: 3803 TØNSBERG
  7. Velle Kjeldås Barnehage As
    • Company no: 830 688 862
    • Region: 3802 HOLMESTRAND
  8. Velle Olaløkka Barnehage As
    • Company no: 930 688 746
    • Region: 3804 SANDEFJORD
  9. Velle Sigridløkka Barnehage As
    • Company no: 930 688 711
    • Region: 3803 TØNSBERG
  10. Velle Træleborg Barnehage As
    • Company no: 930 688 681
    • Region: 3803 TØNSBERG
  11. Biggen Invest As
    • Company no: 930 684 139
    • Region: 4624 BJØRNAFJORDEN
  12. Drøst As
    • Company no: 930 684 120
    • Region: 4624 BJØRNAFJORDEN
  13. Knutebu As
    • Company no: 930 684 104
    • Region: 4625 AUSTEVOLL
  14. Nordic Brand Retail Norge As
    • Company no: 930 527 092
    • Region: 4601 BERGEN
  15. Ra Construction As
    • Company no: 930 342 637
    • Region: 4624 BJØRNAFJORDEN
  16. Enersense Works Norway
    • Company no: 830 561 692
    • Region: Finland
Results: 16
Viewing 1 to 16 companies from Norway