2024-12-18, on December 18, on Wednesday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2024-12-18 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2024-12-18, on December 18, on Wednesday; 2024-12-18 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2024-12-18:
- (NEXT) 2024-12-19, on December 19, on Thursday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2024-12-17, on December 17, on Tuesday incorporated Norway companies
- Entreprenør Ådnekvam & Steinsland As
- Company no: 834 615 932
- Region: 4601 BERGEN
- Jakob Særsten Holding As
- Company no: 834 671 212
- Region: 4613 BØMLO
- Kran & Anleggsservice As
- Company no: 934 669 150
- Region: 4631 ALVER
- Lta Harvest As
- Company no: 934 671 597
- Region: 4627 ASKØY
- Martin Lønning Holding As
- Company no: 934 671 198
- Region: 4613 BØMLO
- Solhaugen As
- Company no: 934 671 791
- Region: 4612 SVEIO
- Szarvas Musikk
- Company no: 934 667 816
- Region: 4601 Bergen
- Uno Nordic As
- Company no: 934 668 499
- Region: 4601 BERGEN
- Vatletun Sameie
- Company no: 934 668 863
- Region: 4601 BERGEN
- Ceno Holding As
- Company no: 934 669 967
- Region: 5001 TRONDHEIM
- Kråkmo Film
- Company no: 934 672 100
- Region: 5031 Malvik
- Riholding As
- Company no: 934 653 734
- Region: 5057 ØRLAND
- Sameiet Rømmetunet 5
- Company no: 934 668 731
- Region: 5001 TRONDHEIM
- Tore Dønheim
- Company no: 934 670 825
- Region: 5055 Heim
- Troholding As
- Company no: 934 654 005
- Region: 5057 ØRLAND
- Hvedingkvartalet S1 Harstad As
- Company no: 934 668 987
- Region: 5503 HARSTAD
- Silent Catch As
- Company no: 934 657 551
- Region: 5501 TROMSØ
- Steam Tours As
- Company no: 934 673 638
- Region: 5501 TROMSØ
- Eden Group Ltd Eood Nuf
- Company no: 834 118 742
- Region: Bulgaria
- Formoplast Bs Knutsson Nuf
- Company no: 934 591 607
- Region: Sverige
- Svt Gmbh Nuf
- Company no: 933 602 729
- Region: Tyskland
- Virtualtraining S.r.o. Nuf
- Company no: 934 324 889
- Region: Tsjekkia