2025-02-16, on February 16, on Sunday established Norway companies
Here you'll find information about: 2025-02-16 Norway enterprises list; Norway companies that were incorporated on 2025-02-16, on February 16, on Sunday; 2025-02-16 list of Norway companies.
Complete list of Norwegian enterprises registration dates
Close dates to 2025-02-16:
- (NEXT) 2025-02-17, on February 17, on Monday incorporated Norway companies
- (PREVIOUS) 2025-02-15, on February 15, on Saturday incorporated Norway companies
Results: 10
Viewing 1 to 10 companies from Norway
- Guerra Bidrar
- Company no: 935 047 722
- Region: 0301 Oslo
- Robin Dawes Thune-Larsen
- Company no: 935 047 404
- Region: 0301 Oslo
- Lykketroll Rita Marie Kristine Eidem
- Company no: 935 047 757
- Region: 1577 Volda
- Pettersen Transport Og Graving
- Company no: 935 047 897
- Region: 1508 Ålesund
- Bertelsen Regnskap
- Company no: 935 047 579
- Region: 3107 Fredrikstad
- Kattevold Maskin
- Company no: 935 048 052
- Region: 3454 Vang
- Takmåker'n Hilden
- Company no: 935 047 781
- Region: 3407 Gjøvik
- Smart Phone Ahmad
- Company no: 935 047 412
- Region: 4203 Arendal
- Granlundvoll Gård V/ Arve Hitterdal
- Company no: 935 047 471
- Region: 5026 Holtålen
- Bukshyna Massasje Hos Zoia
- Company no: 935 047 951
- Region: 5530 Senja
Results: 10
Viewing 1 to 10 companies from Norway